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How is threaded rod used?


As a popular product in the construction industry, threaded rod is quite versatile. It is a straight bar with a large diameter, high strength, and high dimensional accuracy rolled on the whole rebar with discontinuous external threads. It can be connected by coupler.

However, it is not used alone and needs to be equipped with its supporting anchor. For example, when threaded rods are used in the field of anchoring, according to the requirements of the anti-corrosion grade, they can form different anti-corrosion systems with couplers, nuts, plates, corrugated pipes, smooth plastic pipes, end caps, and so on.  Covers and other products, thus forming a complete anchoring system. It can be used as soil nails, rock bolts, micropile, and other structures for slope support, dam reinforcement, mountain landslide control, foundation uplift control, etc.

We can understand the main structure of refined rolled thread bar system through the following structural diagram.

Main components of refined rolled thread bar system

Structure diagram of refined rolled thread bar system

1. Solid anchor bar, full-length solid rebar, the main load-bearing component, is used to transfer load capacity to the anchoring section.

2. Coupling, an external device for jointing lengths of a steel bolt.

3. Centralizer, device to locate steel bolt centrally in a borehole and guarantee the grout cover.

4. Plate, device to transfer the load from the facing.

5. Vent pipe, used for venting during grouting.

6. Nut, device to transfer the load of the plate to the anchoring section by tensioning the steel bolt

7. Grouting pipe, a pipe for grouting drill hole.

After understanding the main components and functions of the Refined rolled thread bar system, how to use threaded rods? Next, we will share the threaded rods’ installation diagram, construction process, use method, and precautions.

Installation diagram of threaded rod

Installation diagram of threaded rod

Construction Process of threaded rod

Material preparation→Assembling→Drill and clean the hole→Installing the bolt→Grouting→Installing the nut and plate→Sealing the hole

Construction method of threaded rod

1. Drill hole. Use a hammer or drill rig to drill holes and choose different drill bits according to different geology.

2. Install the bolts. Insert the bolt into drill hole.

3. Install the nut and plate. Install the plate, nut, and grouting pipe, ensuring the plate is perpendicular to the anchor bolt axis.

4. Grouting. Connect the pipe to the grout pump and start it to pump the cement slurry into the hole.

5. Sealing the hole. The exposed part of anchor rod end and bearing nut is sealed with cement grout.

Construction notes of threaded rod

1. Drill hole. To ensure the quality of drilling, the position, depth, and angle of drilling must be guaranteed.

2. Grouting. Use a grout pump to ensure that the flow and pressure of the slurry meet the requirements.

3. According to different stratum conditions, the length of the anchoring section, the prestress value, and the tensioning procedure should be determined after field tests.

4. Attention must be paid to the protection of the free section during construction. The free section is the key to ensuring permanent work.

5. After grouting, the anchor body should be wiped to ensure the bolt threads are clean to prestress.

6. Construction personnel, equipment, construction process control, log, and safety shall be implemented by conventional prestressing construction regulations.

Theaded rod is widely used in various construction scenarios such as building construction, dam reinforcement, slope support, tunnel support, hanging basket tensioning, and tower foundation. It has played a great role in the construction of the project. Correct understanding and use of threaded rods, not only can effectively save large quantities of steel, but also the construction industry structure, social economy and social development road, and other aspects of the development of help.